Trail 3 Castelli 2023 | Rules and regulations
The sport amateur association "Ultra" in collaboration with the Municipalities of Gemona del Friuli, Montenars, Artegna and Venzone and supported by the project “Sportland” organizes the 9° edition of “Trail 3 Castelli”, an in part self-sufficiency non-competitive mountain trail running race in an alpine environment, on Sunday 21st May 2023.
There are 3 different distances:
- the Ultra 50K course: is approximately 50,0km long with about 3.800m of elevation gain.
- the Sky 23K course: is approximately 23,0km long with about 1.700m of elevation gain.
- the TrailRAN12K course: is approximately 12km long with about 800m of elevation gain.
In order to take part, athletes must have had previous experience in the mountains, should not suffer from vertigo, should have a high standard of athletic preparation and wear suitable clothes for temperatures that can range from -5 to + 30 degrees.
a) Registration requirements:
Entry is open to athletes aged 18 and over being in possession of a valid medical certificate for competitive activity, which does not expire before 21st May 2023.
b) How to register:
Registrations will open on 15th January 2023 and close on 14th May 2023 or on reaching 150 participants for the course Ultra 50K, 200 for the course Sky 23K and 200 participants for the course TrailRAN12K.
You can register online using the following link
The copy of the valid medical certificate for competitive activity can be attached to the registration form or presented when collecting the race number. Failure to present the medical certificate entails the impossibility to attend the event.
By registering for the race, all athletes release the organisers from any responsibility for damages to people or things that may occur before, during or after the event.
The registration fee is not refundable in case of non-participation.
c) Registration fees:
Ultra 50K: reduced fee of 45€ for registrations before 28/02/2023, 50€ from 01/03/2023 to 15/04/2023, then 60€;
Sky 23K: reduced fee of 20€ for registrations before 28/02/2023, 25€ from 01/03/2023 to 14/05/2023. It’s possible to register the day of the race at a fee of 30€.
TrailRAN 12K: reduced fee of 15€ from 15/01/2023 to 14/05/2023. It’s possible to register the day of the race at a fee of 25€.
The registration fees include:
- bib number;
- assistance and refreshments along the race route;
- race pack;
- post-race meal voucher;
- event bracelet.
For the races Ultra 50K and Sky 23K
- race pack with technical T-shirt;
For the Ultra 50K only:
- finishers gadget;
For the TrailRAN 12K only:
- TrailRAN Neckwarmer (guaranteed for the first 50 registrations)
Registrations made after May 7, 2023 do not guarantee the "FINISHER" gadget and/or technical t-shirt.
Should the event be cancelled the days before the race due to force majeure circumstances, the organization reserves the right to refund 50% of the registration fee. This percentage enables the organization to cover part of the expenses incurred.
Should the event be cancelled or interrupted the same day of the race for atmospheric reasons, or for any other reason beyond our control, the fees will not be refunded.
All participants have to present a copy of a valid medical certificate for competitive activity, that can be sent per email or given when collecting the bib number.
Race number bib and rack pack will be handed:
- Saturday 20/05/2023 from 14.00 to 19.00 Piazza del Ferro - Gemona del Friuli;
- Sunday 21/05/2023 from 5.30am Piazza del Ferro - Gemona del Friuli;
We suggest, if possible, to collect the race number on Saturday, 20th May.
Art. 5: START
Ultra 50K:
Athletes taking part to the long course are required to be in Piazza del Ferro - Gemona del Friuli before 6.30 a.m. The race will start after punching operations and briefing at 7.00 a.m.
Sky 23K:
Athletes taking part to the long course are required to be in Piazza del Ferro - Gemona del Friuli before 8.00 a.m. The race will start after punching operations and briefing at 8.30 a.m.
Athletes taking part to the long course are required to be in Piazza del Ferro - Gemona del Friuli before 9:00 a.m. The race will start after punching operations and briefing at 9.30 a.m.
Athletes can use changing rooms and bag deposits indicated by the Organisation.
Despite all controls, the Organization cannot be held responsible for any items left unattended in the bag deposit.
The "Trail 3 Castelli" has been classified as a Red Route: EE itinerary for expert hikers. A route that requires the ability to move on special terrain, inaccessible or treacherous tracks and trails (slopes with rocky outcrops or rubble), with some exposed areas.
Concerning the Ultra 50K course, the Organization informs that on the ascent to Monte Chiampon athletes will find short equipped sections (alpine rating: grade I). Furthermore, all ascent is exposed. We recommend previous experience of trekking at altitude and absence of vertigo.
It is still possible to find snow in the first part of the slope of Monte Chiampon; if so, we suggest to use micro crampons.
The days before the race, the Organization will communicate on the website and on the Facebook page any difficulty on the route.
Athletes should remember that not all the course is closed to traffic. Participants must respect traffic laws on streets and at crossings, even in the presence of the traffic staff.
The routes of "Trail 3 Castelli" are the following:
Ultra 50K course (50,0 km / 3.800 m D+)
Gemona, Castello di Gemona, Sentiero “dai 500”, Zuc de Cros, Iouf, Montenars, Agriturismo Tulin, Artegna, M.Te Faeit, Roccolo, monte Cuarnan, Ors di Cuarnan, sella Foredor, monte Chiampon, stavoli Scric, Ledis, torrente Venzonassa, Chiesa S. Antonio abate, Venzone, Rivoli Bianchi, Monte Cumieli, Sella S. Agnese, torrente Vegliato, Gemona.
Sky 23K course (23,0 km / 1.700 m D+)
Gemona, Castello di Gemona, Sentiero “dai 500”, Zuc de Cros, Iouf, Montenars, Agriturismo Tulin, B.go Plazzaris, Roccolo, monte Cuarnan, monte Cuarnan, Ors di Cuarnan, malga Cuarnan, sella Foredor, Gemona.
TrailRAN12K course (12km / 800 m D+)
Gemona, Sentiero “dai 500”, Troi di Miec, Sella Sant Agnese, torrente Vegliato, Gemona.
The race course is marked with flags. We therefore suggest to study the trail map given by the organisation.
Competitors should adhere strictly to the marked race route.
Should adverse weather conditions occur or one or more paths become impassable, alternative routes will be outlined during the pre-race briefing.
Apart from resulting in disqualification on arrival, departing from the official route shall be at the sole risk and peril of the competitor.
Members of the Organization will be in constant contact with the Race HQ and be positioned along the race route.
Check-points will be set up along the route, where members of the Organisation shall monitor the athletes as they pass and also apply random checks to verify the compulsory race material.
Should anyone refuse to undergo the control, they swill be immediately disqualified.
Participants are therefore required to fully respect the Alpine environment, in particular by not throwing away rubbish, picking flowers or disturbing the wildlife. Anyone found leaving rubbish along the way will be disqualified from the race and incur the penalties foreseen in the municipal regulations. In order to reduce the impact on the environment, plastic cups will NOT be provided at the refreshment points. Athletes must have their own cup or other personal container suitable for the purpose.
In the event of adverse weather conditions (dense fog, snow or thunder storms), the Organization reserves the right to make last-minute changes to the race route in order to eliminate potential hazards or conditions that could cause hardship for the participants.
Participants will be informed of any changes and members of the staff will signal them.
The Organization also reserve the right to suspend or cancel the race if the weather conditions are such that they put the athlete, staff or rescue teams at risk.
In order to participate to "Trail 3 Castelli" it is compulsory for the athletes to have the following equipment with them throughout the race:
Ultra 50K:
- backpack;
- camel bag or bottles containing at least one litre of liquid;
- glass or other container suitable for drinking at the refreshment points;
- food reserve;
- survival blanket;
- whistle;
- trousers and anorak designed to withstand bad weather conditions at high altitude;
- cap, hat or bandana;
- gloves;
- suitable shoes;
- mobile phone turned on, with the number provided by the organization;
- road-book;
- race number visible;
It is also recommended to carry the following material:
- spare waterproof trousers and anorak;
- micro crampons;
- elastic bandages;
Sky 23K:
- camel bag or bottles containing at least one litre of liquid
- glass or other container suitable for drinking at the refreshment points;
- food reserve;
- whistle;
- suitable shoes;
- mobile phone turned on, with the number provided by the organization;
- road-book;
- race number visible;
It is also recommended to carry the following material:
- backpack;
- trousers and anorak designed to withstand bad weather conditions at high altitude;
- cap, hat or bandana;
- gloves;
- elastic bandages;
- suitable shoes;
- whistle;
- mobile phone turned on, with the number provided by the organization;
- race number visible;
It is also recommended to carry the following material:
- backpack;
- food reserve;
- cap, hat or bandana;
- gloves;
- elastic bandages;
During the pre-race briefing, we will inform the athletes, depending on the weather conditions, if part of the compulsory material can be avoided.
Poles are admitted.
By registering for the trail, each participant undertakes to take with him/her all the compulsory material listed throughout the race. Runners that, despite all controls, are not in possession of the compulsory material, participate at their sole risk and peril.
Random checks are foreseen.
Athletes found not in possession of the compulsory equipment, will be disqualified.
The maximum time allowed to reach the finish line for the Ultra 50K course is 13 hours.
A “pick up service" will follow the last runner during the trail.
Athletes will find following cut-off points:
Ultra 50K course:
- Sella Foredor (23 km) before 12.30
- Venzonassa/Chiesa S. Antonio Abate (34 km) before 15.30
Following infringements will lead to immediate disqualification with withdrawal of the race number:
- failure to pass a checkpoint;
- taking shortcuts;
- abandoning rubbish along the race route;
- failing to aid another competitor in difficulty;
- insults, rudeness or threats towards organisation members or volunteers;
- using transport during the race;
- refusing to undergo checks by the medical staff along the race route;
- refusing to allow checks of the compulsory equipment;
- absence of compulsory equipment;
Competitors that do not reach the cut-off points within the established time limits will be stopped and will not be allowed to continue the race.
In order to protect the health of the participants, medical staff at the check points have the authority to stop those runners who are judged unfit to continue the race. In this case, the participant must follow the indications of the medical staff members; anyone failing to do so will incur immediate disqualification.
Participants who reach the time barriers after the maximum time, those who are injured or judged by the medical staff to be unfit to continue the race, and any other athletes who voluntarily decide to drop out, shall be taken to the finish line by shuttle bus. Due to logistical reasons, competitors who have withdrawn from the race may have to wait before being transferred to the finish area. Participants who decide to drop out at any point other than the established checkpoints should make their own way back to Gemona and immediately inform the Organization by phone or by text message (the phone number is indicated in the road-book).
The athletes are required to run in part self-sufficiency and must carry at least one litre of liquid.
8 refreshment points are foreseen Ultra 50K course:
- Agriturismo Tulin (8km)
- Roccolo (16,5km)
- Cuarnan (22km)
- Ledis (30km)
- Venzonassa (34 km - beverage only)
- Venzone (39km)
- Sella San Agnese (46km - beverage only)
- Finish line
Fort the Sky 23K 3 refreshment points are foreseen:
- Agriturismo Tulin (8 km)
- Cuarnan (16 km)
- Finish line
For the TrailRAN 12K 2 refreshment points are foreseen:
- Sella Sant'Agnese (7 km - beverage only)
- Finish line
However, there are points along the race route where the participants can find water (streams and fountains). It will also be possible to use the mountain shelters and refuges along the route.
Only runners carrying a visible race number have access to the refreshment points.
Food and liquids from the refreshment points must be consumed on site. It is strictly forbidden to drink from the bottles provided at the refreshment points.
Trash must be thrown into proper bins located in every refreshment point.
Camel bags or water bottles can only be filled with water. We therefore suggest the athletes to bring mineral salts to use during the race.
When leaving each refreshment point, runners must have sufficient liquid and food to reach the next point.
There is another refreshment point (liquids) at the finish line, each participant can also use the post-race meal voucher.
Art. 14: PRIZES
There are no cash prizes.
Non-monetary prizes shall be awarded to the first 5 men and the first 5 women.
By registering, the competitors authorize the Organization to freely use any images depicting them during their participation in the trail, whether still or in movement, with no territorial or time limits.
Voluntary registration and subsequent participation in the race indicates full acceptance of the race rules and any changes they may have to undergo.
Registering, the participant exempts the organizers from any liability, whether civil or criminal, for damage to persons and/or property caused by or to him/her.
Athletes can find the declaration of responsibility on the website , and they have to sign it before starting the trail.
By registering athletes declare that they have read this Regulation, accept the terms and conditions and exempt the Organisation from any liability.

Via Campo, 145/1
33013 Gemona del Friuli (UD)
C.F. / P.IVA: 02772320301